Dawn of the Second Module…

Taylor Cannetti
2 min readSep 21, 2020
The Legend of Zelda and all related characters, logos, images, etc. are copyrighted by Nintendo.

I’m writing this blog post day one of the second section of my Austin Coding Academy Full Stack Bootcamp, 211 Intro to Javascript begins tonight and after working and struggling through the pre course work I am slightly intimidated. This is the learning process though, and despite it not working for the Philadelphia 76ers, I’m going to “Trust the Process”. We were given four questions to answer before we begin…

Why are you excited about learning to code?

I have always thought of myself as a creative person, but never found the outlet that I truly cared about. I want to learn to code because I want to create within a world I already spend most of my time. The internet has connected humans in a way few thought it could, and I want to understand that world online and be able to contribute.

What do you hope to do with your growing skill set?

With this skillset I want to create, but not only do I want to be able to make things I want to create opportunities for myself. As I write this in September 2020 the world, or more immediately the U.S.A., feels more divided than ever, and I am compelled to try and create for myself and my family a stable and exciting future.

How do you plan to study?

My plan of study thus far has been to work through the problems ACA has given me, and build off of what I do not understand. Meaning I try and accomplish what I can before I fall deep into a research hole on Google, StackOverFlow, W3Schools, etc… I also plan to use the resources available to me, like our tutoring sessions and my roommate who happens to work heavily in Back End Dev. So really it’s just practice, ask questions whenever I am stumped, and practice some more.

Who are you doing all of this hard work for?


